Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Clarisonic Mia

Okay, I think I've had enough time to formulate an opinion about the Clarisonic Mia. I think I've had it for a few weeks now. Who knows. My sense of time is so wacky. I always know the date and day of the week but for some reason things that happened two days ago feel to me as if they happened several weeks ago. Odd.

Moving on.

I went to Ulta after several... weeks (and I'm pretty sure real weeks, not fake day-weeks) of watching YT vids and researching, like the good little analytical researcher that I am, and they had pink and gray. 

Serious? Good thing I like gray. Which is apparently the "boy" model that comes with a normal brush head versus a sensitive one and a trial size of the Refreshing Gel Cleanser. After being some what passively aggressively harassed by the checkout girl for purchasing the gray model I went home to use it. Oops. Forgot I had to charge it FOREVER before using it. Insert sad panda face here. I did not charge it for that long though. I charged it until the thing buzzed twice after removing the charger, indicating that it was ready to sluff the gross shit off my face. Hurray!  

I also must admit here that I frequently get my hopes way, way too far up for pretty much everything, including the results of this product after first use. Shocking how fast a minute goes. That really can't be enough time to do anything of significance. So I was bummed when my face wasn't a glowing mass of photoshopped quality perfection. I kept using it anyways, twice a day. I am going to see results damnit!

So, in one video that I watched, she said that be prepared for it to cause breakouts due to the amount of gross-ness it was breaking up. While I did have break-outs in abnormal spots (re: my cheek), correlation is not causation and I can't say for sure that it did this. I was also doing a lot of work related phone calls so that could have added to that little problem.

The most significant, but rather subtle, difference is in the tone of my face. It truly does look more even and far less splotchy even in the morning when my redness can be a touch out of control. My skin is, even from the first use, really soft. I haven't been having as many problems with texture since using the Clinique Dramatically Different moisturizer, but I'm sure this has helped keep any build up at bay.  I can't say currently whether my pores are any smaller in size; however it does seem to keep my pores from collecting.... whatever pore clogging stuff is called... and turning in to "blemishes." Another little tip is to use a cream or gel cleanser rather than a liquid one. I try and use the St. Ives Green Tea liquid cleanser and it ended up dripping in to my eye. Less than fun.

I'd like to say it's amazing. I won't. I think it's decent possibly even good. The company has a 90 day money back guarantee that I may or may not use. I can't decide if I could get the same results with different products. Another downside is that the recommended life of the brush head is 3 months and replacements heads are $20 a pop. Not that I'll change them that much. Shiz, I don't change my contacts for months on end, same with my toothbrush. I feel no need to start now.

Anyone else have thoughts on this baby? Or been underwhelmed? Did you keep it or return it?

Thanks for stopping by!

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