Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lip things

So, here I am. Bored but too "je suis fatigué" to do anything about it. I really want to go shopping, but I was too busy today helping the boyfriend set up a cardboard display in a movie theater (frack the piss out of that thing... really who makes such complicated things? Sadists, that's who) that I didn't get up the energy to go shopping until after things were closed. I still don't understand why shops still close early on Sundays. I think I'll hit up the trifecta tomorrow (Ulta, Sephora, Target) and maybe Rite Aid to see if I can be suckered in to any holiday deals.

To pass the time until it's an appropriate and not too embarrassing time to go to sleep, I've been skimming through some of the blogs I've been following (see links below). One pattern that seems to be reoccurring, especially on the beauty related YouTubes, are lady's obsessions with lip products. Now some may prefer gloss to stick or sheer color versus highly pigmented. But still, everyone has loads of lip things.

It makes me want but that has been one area that I really don't care about. Lip things just don't make me all tingly. Every now and again I'm like "yeah, lip gloss" buy something and then stare at it taking up counter space in the bathroom. This, much like my hesitation with mascara, goes back to my glasses wearing days. I would have on lip gloss and then my hair would get in it and then I'd have a line of gloss on my glasses. GAH! It never failed. So right from the start it was always more trouble than it was worth.

Add to this my color challenges. I suppose I could say I'm all about the natural look and when I wear anything that isn't "me but better" I just don't think it looks quiet right. My lips are fairly pinkish naturally and so trying to find a "me but better" is a pain in the ass. I mean, they're pink, but like, dusty pink... maybe.

Let's face it, I'm an incompetent mess when it comes to choosing lip stick/stain colors. I can pick out a decent sheer/gloss, since the color isn't as pigmented and is harder for me to mess up. But now with watching and learning about all these amazeballs lip sticks (they have matte lip things?!?!) it makes me think that maybe I'm missing out. And still I hesitate. When would I wear them? Certainly not to work. Maybe out, but that's not often. I also have the bad habit of licking slash biting my lips which also diminishes the lasting power of even the longest lasting of lip wear.

Oh gosh, decisions. Any thoughts? Anyone else new to the lip product world and care to share your experience?

Lovely blogs:
Chelsea Wears

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